Deploying your App


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Netlify is a widely-used hosting platform suitable for various types of projects. For detailed guidance on build procedures, deployment options, and the range of features available, you can visit the Netlify documentation.

Using the Netlify Web Interface

  1. Begin by navigating to Netlify's website and logging in or creating a new Netlify. Once logged in, you will be take to your dashboard. Click the New site from Git button to start a new project.
  1. On the following page, choose "Connect to GitHub" or your preferred Git repository hosting service.
  1. After selecting your Solid project repository, you'll be directed to a configuration screen. Update the "Publish directory" field from netlify to dist. Then, click "Deploy" to start the deployment process.
  1. Once the build and deployment are complete, you will be taken to a screen that displays the URL of your live site.

Using the Netlify CLI

  1. Install the Netlify CLI using your preferred package manager:

Note: Before proceeding, ensure that your Netlify account and team are fully set up. This is crucial for a seamless project setup and deployment.

  1. Open your terminal, navigate to your project directory, and run the netlify init command. Authenticate using one of the supported login options.

  2. Follow the on-screen instructions from the CLI. When prompted for the 'Directory to deploy,' specify dist — this is where Solid stores the built project files.

After completing the process, your project will be deployed on Netlify and can be accessed via the provided URL.

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